
What Is The Recovery Period For Liposuction?

liposuction recoveryLike any other surgical procedure, if you’re considering undergoing Liposuction you should take into account the recovery period and how this will affect you. Liposuction is an invasive procedure and may take you many weeks to recover from. If you’re thinking about having Liposuction then you may find this guide helpful when it comes to making your decision. The recovery period is different for each patient and it will depend on your health and the size of the area that Liposuction was performed on. If it was performed on a small area then your recovery could be as little as two to three days. However here are some recovery tips which are beneficial for all patients.

Immediately After Liposuction

The first 24-72 hours after Liposuction you will notice some fluid drainage from the treated area. The fluid is put in to make the fat removal easier and the body will then expel it when it’s no longer needed. The fluid will leak on to your clothes and sheets so it’s recommended that you wear loose, comfortable clothes which you don’t mind fluid getting on to.

Bruising and swelling of the area will be obvious post-surgery as this is an invasive procedure, but it should subside over the next few days. However it may take months for the swelling to completely subside and for the final results of the surgery to be visible.

The Recovery Period

You must follow the instructions your surgeon gives you regarding your stitches completely. You may find that you have open incisions or stitches and you will be given steri-strips to cover them. It is vital that you don’t touch or try to removes the steri-strips , they will either fall off on their own or your surgeon will remove them for you. Keeping them in will aid the recovery of your incisions and ensure they heal faster. You should monitor your incisions for signs of recovery such as redness, increased swelling, excessive drainage, pus or bad odours. If the areas becomes too warm or you develop a temperature over 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) you should contact your doctor immediately.

Your surgeon will also give you a compression garment to wear at all times during your recovery to help reduce the swelling. You will advised as to when you can remove this garment and it can be taken off for showering, but you should take care not to get your steri-strips wet. You will be allowed to shower 24 hours after the surgery, but care must be taken not to rub the area and it should be patted dry gently. You will not be allowed to sit in water, whether it is a bath, swimming pool or hot tub, for two weeks after surgery.

You will also have to avoid strenuous exercise for at least two weeks in order to give your body plenty of time to recover and recuperate, and you should eat a healthy diet. The results of your surgery are best maintained with a healthy, active lifestyle, so your surgeon will advise you when you can resume exercise.

The majority of patients find liposuction is fairly straightforward and few have problems if they adhere to the advice and instructions given by their surgeon. Don’t forget that if you have and questions or concerns during your recovery period you can always contact the clinic and seek the advice of the patient coordinator. If you’re considering Liposuction and would like to find out more information contact us today and we can arrange a consultation for you.

Drop A Dress Size With Liposonix

drop a dress size with Liposonix

The New Year is a popular time for most of us to hit the gym and embark on that new healthy eating routine. While you may be seeing results, it can be frustrating when these plateau and nothing seems able to shift that last little bit of stubborn fat. Well, one weight loss treatment is rapidly growing in popularity, it can help you achieve these goals and provide with long-lasting results.

Liposonix is a non-surgical procedure which uses ultrasound technology to disrupt and remove unwanted fat deposits, giving patients results in just one hour. If you’re interested in this procedure we’ve put together a helpful guide detailing how the treatment works and how the results are achieved. So find out if Liposonix if suitable for you by reading below.

How Does Liposonix Work?

Liposonix is a body-contouring treatment which uses advanced ultrasound technology to breakdown and eliminate unwanted fat. This technology is called High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and has been clinically proven to destroy fat cells safely. Focusing the ultrasound energy 1-2cm below the surface of the skin avoids burns or trauma to the skin, making the treatment for comfortable and minimising recovery time. The HIFU disrupts stubborn fat cells, which are then attracted to the body’s healing and inflammatory responses and transported to the liver where they are metabolised naturally. Liposonix takes around 30-60 minutes, depending on the size of the area, but you will only need treatment to see results.

What Results Can I Achieve?

Lipsonix provides consistent, effective and long lasting results as HIFU disrupts fat cells in the treated area. With a single treatment you will see results, but patients usually see the final outcome after three months as this is the time it takes the body to naturally metabolise the fat. Most patients lose the equivalent of one dress size.

Is It Suitable For Me?

The ideal candidate for Lipsonix should be able to ‘pinch an inch’ in the area of concern, anything less than an inch probably does not need to be treated but this will be determined by your aesthetic practitioner. It is an ideal body-contouring treatment for men and women who are close to their ideal body shape, but need a little extra help to shift diet and exercise-resistant fat

Removing Unwanted Fat – What’s The Difference Between Liposuction And Liposonix?

should I chose liposonix or liposuction to remove unwanted fat

Removing Stubborn Unwanted Fat Deposits

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the UK. In 2013 there was a 41% increase in patients seeking the procedure, making it the most popular surgery of the year. Liposuction used to be the only option for removed unwanted, stubborn fat deposits, but, like all surgeries, it does carry an element of risk.

Advances in medical technology mean there are many non-surgical alternatives to surgery when it comes to inch-loss. One of these treatments is called Liposonix, and today, we’ll be looking at how this compares to Liposuction. Although we do offer three different Liposuction techniques, this article will focus on the more traditional Liposuction technique, rather than Laser and Vaser Liposuction.


What Is Liposuction
Liposuction is a surgical procedure, performed under anaesthetic, which can remove unwanted fat from specific body areas such as the stomach, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, arms, chin and neck. This procedure can also be tailored for precise sculpting and contouring effects.

How Does It Work?
Fat is removed with a cannula, a small tube pushed through an incision in the skin to suck out the fatty tissue.

How Long Does Treatment Take?
It varies between patients and will depend on the size of the area being treated, the amount of fat removed, and the type of anaesthesias used.

What Is The Recovery Time?
You can usually return to normal activity within one to two weeks, and resume exercise after six weeks. As this is a serious surgical procedure, you may experience some discomfort, bruising or swelling after the procedure, but you should not be in severe pain.

What Are The Results?
Liposuction is designed to remove more extensive areas of fatty tissues in a single surgery window so that the results will be more dramatic and more immediate than non-surgical sculpting techniques. If you experience some swelling after treatment, you will need to wait for this to subside to see the full results of your procedure.

Is It For Me?
If you are in good health, and have areas of excess fat you would like to remove then liposuction could be for you. This procedure can be used on more areas on the body than it’s the non-surgical counterpart, such as the arms, neck, chin and knees, so it is suited for patients who would like to tackle those areas or have larger fat deposits. This should not be considered a quick way to lose weight, and the patient still has to be healthy enough to withstand the stress surgical procedures put on the body. It is also not an alternative to a healthy, active lifestyle.


What Is Lipsonix?
A non-invasive body-contouring treatment which helps breakdown and eliminates unwanted fat deposits.

How Does It Work?
Liposonix uses ultrasound technology, which can penetrate the targeted fat tissue, without damaging the surrounding fat and tissue. The treated fat tissue is then removed through the body’s natural healing and elimination process, leaving you with a slimmer, more contoured waistline. As the system uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy, you only need one treatment to see results.

What Results Can I Achieve?
The average waistline reduction is one inch, which is usually equal to one dress or trouser size. Full results are visible after eight to twelve weeks, as this is the time it takes the body to naturally metabolise and process the destroyed fat.

Is There Any Recovery Time After Liposonix?
After treatment, patients may experience some discomfort, bruising, swelling or redness, but these are usually described as mild. Most patients feel able to return to their normal activity after treatment.

Is It Right For Me?
If you eat well and exercise, but still can’t seem to shift that last bit of stubborn fat then Liposonix may be for you. Ideal candidates must be able to ‘pinch an inch’ (2.5cm) of fat in the treatment area and have a BMI of under 30; it is not suitable for patients who are looking to lose a significant amount of weight or have drastic results. Currently, the system can only be used to treat unwanted fat on the abdomen and thighs. Liposonix is not a way to lose weight or a replacement for your healthy lifestyle, but it is a quick, effective and safe way to help you lose that last inch and achieve your dream body shape.

What’s The Difference Between The Three Liposuction Techniques?

A healthy diet and an active lifestyle can go a long way to helping you achieve the toned, sculpted body you want but sometimes it can’t quite get you right to the finish line. Even with a dedicated exercise routine and a fantastic diet you may struggle to shift the last inch or so of stubborn fat and can you leave you feeling deflated – especially when you’ve put in so much hard work and come so far.

This is where body-sculpting procedures like liposuction come in, they’re ideal for people close to their target weight who are struggling with diet-and-exercise resistant pockets of fat. You may have heard about different types of liposuction technique, but you might be unsure about what the actual difference between them is and which one is right for you. Below you’ll find a helpful guide about the type of liposuction on offer, how they work and what results you can achieve.

The Three Types Of Liposuction

1) Liposculpture

We use the term Liposculpture rather than liposuction because it best reflects the surgeon’s skills and ability to carefully select the area of fatty tissue to be removed, achieving the best possible results. The time of the procedure varies depending on the size of the area to be treated, the amount of the fat to be removed and the type of anaesthesia being used.After liposculpture you are usually able to resume normal activity within a week, and you can return to exercise within six weeks. Your surgeon will give you detailed recovery advice, it is essential you follow it so your body can heal properly.

2) Laser Liposculpture

This procedure uses the heat from deep penetrating lasers to break down fat cells. Liposuction lasers are designed to only target the fat cells so there is no damage to the surrounding muscle and nerve tissue. The laser also seals off minor blood vessels and promotes collagen production so, as a result, the skin smooths and tightens, and the fat cells are drawn away. The final results are usually visible after three months. After laser liposculpture you can usually resume normal activity in less than a week, and resume exercise within four to six weeks.

3) Vaser Liposculpture

This is a state of the art liposuction system which allows fat deposits to be directly targeted, achieving outstanding body sculpting. Vaser liposculpture uses uses sound, instead of heat, to break up fatty deposits. This allows the treatment to be performed much closer to the muscle than other techniques and it is ideal for targeting small areas like the back of the arm. The final results of your vaser liposculpture are usually visible within three to six months. Like laser liposculpture, with the Vaser technique most patients are able to resume normal activity in less than a week, and vigorous exercise after six.

Find out more about our non-surgical body sculpting procedures here.

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