Our practitioners may advise the use of or recommend prescription-strength antiperspirants that will help control excessive sweating. If you find that the use of antiperspirant isn’t enough, you may wish to consider a nerve-blocking treatment like Botox. You may also find your skin generally oilier, in which case, our injectable nurse can recommend a bespoke selection of 111SKIN products and other treatments that can remove excess oils and regulate sebum production.
Injecting Botulinum Toxin can help sufferers of excessive sweating by limiting the glands ability to produce sweat. The treatment can reduce hyperhidrosis by up to 90%. The nerve-blocking injections are suitable for all areas of the body, including the hands.
Results can be experienced within as little as three days, with effects last up to nine months.
Botox treats wrinkles by targeting the underlying muscle that wrinkles the overlying skin. It restricts the contraction of the muscle, so the overlying skin appears smooth. By inhibiting this movement, the toxin can create many other positive aesthetic effects or have health benefits.
The effects can last up to nine months.
Botox takes approximately 5-20 minutes. For other techniques, the treatment time may be longer.
Results can be experienced within as little as three days.
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